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Temporomandibular Disorder Treatment Milano

Gnathology and Dental Mouthguard
Dott.ssa Maja Stamatova

Registration in the Dentist's Chumber of Milan n.4928

Gnathology, Temporomandibolar disorders,
Dental Mouthguard treatment

Gnathology is the branch of Dentistry that deals with the correct functioning of the structures that build the temporomandibular joint (ATM)

The mandibular condyle, the glenoid fossa, the articular disc, and the masticatory muscles.

Conditions that result in non-physiological functioning of the TMJ structures are called temporomandibular disorders.

The disorders linked to temporomandibular disorders can be related to a reduced mouth opening, pain when opening or closing the mouth, during the chewing phase, noises, intermittent or acute blockages, etc.

A correct diagnosis is the key to resolving temporomandibular disorders, which is why the type of treatment can vary:

Counselling, Dental Bite, Manual Therapy, Home Exercises (Autophysiotherapy), Pharmacological, Muscle, Joint or Surgical Therapy.

The Dental Mouthguard  is an intraoral device with several purposes. The mouthguard used at MayasDental are: Neuromuscular, Repositioning Mouthguard, Distraction Mouthguard. 

Dental Mouthguard
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